Hey Redwood's Fans!!
So glad to see you here, particularly after all the internet changes I've made over the last several weeks.
My new website has launched under www.jordynredwood.com. The blog is now incorporated under this umbrella and you can find it on the tab bar under Medical Edge Blog.
If you want to go directly to the blog, you can find it at www.redwoodsmedicaledge.com. So, update your bookmark.
However, there is lots of fun stuff on the website. Free resources and an additional blog called Redwood's Ramblings which is more about the writing life.
This week at Redwood's Medical Edge:
Monday: Author Jillian Kent stops by for a little help. She's looking for info on poultice making so if you're an expert, stop by and give her a helping hand.
Wednesday: Heather Gilbert talks about her historical research into mushrooms and if it is why Vikings may have been a little on edge.
Friday: Author Sherri Johnson talks about yellow fever. We think these illnesses are gone but you can view this article to see how yellow fever still plays a big part in certain areas of the world: http://www.ukzambians.co.uk/home/2012/04/15/yellow-fever-blow-to-tourism/. Sherri is also giving away a free copy of her novel as an e-book so be sure to leave a comment.
Hope you all have a fantastic week!
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