
What people say about me:

"I'd never thought much about accurate medical information being given in novels. I'd just assumed that writers do their due diligence researching. That is until I helped an author actually "do" her research (she'd thought it unimportant). I'm also not well versed on medical procedures, hence any fact given was fine with me until I heard your lecture.

I was impressed and fascinated with the information you presented. You gave a wealth of information in a short span of time. I needed even more time to digest what was being given and time to ask more questions. I like the glint in your eye, or sense of humor you used to deal with such a serious topic.

Thank you for detail and thoroughness of the medical aspects of writing." Lauren Wilhoite-Willis

Medical questions for works of fiction can be submitted to jredwood1@gmail.com. Generally, the research for these is free if you allow me to post the question on my blog. Contemporary medical issues are easier than historical ones. Questions for the blog can be posted anonymously or you can use it as a way to promote yourself and what you're writing.

If you prefer NOT to post the question to the blog-- then I charge $35.00/hr for research or medical review of scenes/manuscripts. Most often I need just one hour to research your question. Regardless, I'll submit to you what I have after an hour and you choose whether or not you'd like me to continue on.

I don't do grammatical editing.

I do offer lectures on this subject for writing groups. One is called Medical Mayhem: Strategies to Accurately Depict Medical Fact in Fiction. E-mail me at jredwood1@gmail.com for further details.

I also offer lectures in the area of fiction writing and book proposals.