Saturday, May 26, 2012

Contest and Preview

Hello Redwood's FANS!!

How are you? I am ecstatic! This week, my dream comes true. My debut novel, Proof, officially releases June 1. To get a preview, you can find free Chapters over at my website.

To celebrate, anyone who leaves a comment on my blog during this weeks posts will be eligible to win a free copy! I'll also be drawing from my followers/subscribers lists as well. So, plenty of places for you to win. Drawing cutoff will be Sunday, June 3rd. Winners announced Tuesday, June 5th. To claim, you must e-mail me with your info so definitely check the June 5th post. Must live in the USA.

Not only is there a fabulous contest but great content as well.

This week is controversy week.

Monday: The movie Puncture. Is it medically accurate or not? I'll be delving in.

Wednesday: Bette Lamb returns to discuss the black market trade of human body parts.

Friday: The Rogue Medical Character. How do you handle medical people doing bad things in your novel without offending doctors and nurses. I'll take on the issue.

Hope everyone has a fantastic week and don't forget to comment, follow and subscribe!!



  1. Such exciting news! Thanks for the contest. Looking forward to reading the posts and the chapters. Congratulations!

  2. Thank you so much Johanna! Chapters 1-3 are already at my website for your reading pleasure and chapter 4 and 5 will release next week! Let me know what you think.

  3. Thanks for having the contest. However, I am in Canada so cannot enter, but I have put in a request to my library to please get it. Hopefully they do not take too long. :)

  4. Yay Congratulations on your new release!!
