Are you getting geared up to enjoy some Halloween Spooky FUN?!?
I just started watching the last season of Dexter as a treat for finishing the rough draft of my third novel, Peril,-- now its official title. I know-- strange way to celebrate but I am a suspense novelist so it really is a treat. Peril will release next year about this time. So crazy to be finishing books that won't be seen for what seems like soooo long but the time does go by quickly-- at least for the author.

But don't despair if you didn't win-- I've got another great giveaway this week. Details below.
For you this week:
Monday: JoAnn Spears concludes her series on Queen Anne's obstetrical history. This has been super fascinating where JoAnn offers her nursing insight into historical monarchs. Queen Anne was very fertile but sadly, none of her children lived. I've linked the other parts here for you: Part I, Part II, Part III.
Wednesday and Friday: So excited to host author Peter Leavell. Peter was the winner of Christian Writers Guild's Operation First Novel contest. He's offering a chance to win his novel, Gideon's Call, simply leave a comment with your e-mail address on either of his two posts. Must live in the USA. Winner announced here next Sunday.
Hope you all are fabulous. Stay safe carving those pumpkins.
I'm thrilled! I think I'm the right Heather? Looking forward to reading Michael's book.